Washington State is the birthplace of inclusion which led to the IDEA educational safeguards funded nationally. Despite this, CVSD routinely excludes special education students from non-disabled peers with the promise of a comprehensive education.
The pandemic has exposed that there IS no curriculum.
How comprehensive is an education without a curriculum or inclusion?
Jason does not have an equal opportunity to learn in CVSD and was placed in a variety of secluded classrooms where unexplained bruises, broken glasses, and coming home covered in his own feces were common.
CVSD has known about the abuse in their special education program for over a decade and refuses to address the IDEA violations within their district
CVSD receives twice the amount of federal funding to educate children in special education (plus bond/levy funds, lottery funds, safety net funds, and ESSER covid relief funding etc.) yet failed to provide basic support to special education students over the pandemic.
Where did the money go Ben Small?
The scientific basis for wearing face masks as protective strategy is widely disputed among experts given the difference in size between the virus particles and the thread diameter of face masks (permeability). The changing guidance from our government, the CDC and our local regulatory agencies has created a lot of confusion throughout this pandemic.
What is clear however, is that face masks have both physiological and psychological effects.
The physiological effect of wearing a mask (by restricting breathing) can cause hypoxemia, hypercapnia and respiratory complications and increase the risk for self-contamination which can exacerbate existing chronic conditions in many children.
The psychological effect of masks is multifaceted and impacts our children in many ways. This includes irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%) impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%), not to mention the basic human-to-human connectivity through facial expression and self-identity. The long-term practice of wearing face masks has strong potential for devastating health consequences; keep in mind there is currently no registry to collect this data.
It is critical however, that school districts proceed with caution when requiring children with Down syndrome (DS) to wear a mask due to the significant risk of respiratory issues that are innate to this diagnosis. These issues are related to the structural abnormalities of the airways and lungs, recurrent lower respiratory issues and obstructive sleep apnea. To date, there is no available scientific data to determine the safety and efficacy of face masks for children with DS.
Jason is categorized in the sensitized Trisomic population of DS due to his congenital heart defect, cataracts/glaucoma, vision/hearing loss, and respiratory issues including severe sleep apnea. He is a member of the Washington Deaf-Blind Project of Washington State.
Our concerns for adverse health effects were dismissed as well as the impact on education for a deaf-blind child. This mandate has prevented us from accessing special education services and therapies since March 2020. CVSD has refused to discuss educational safeguards or consult with medical providers for anticipatory guidance.
Reduced O2 can negatively affect brain development and congenital heart disease and alter renal and hemoglobin level. The risk from prolonged mask wearing without medical guidance in a school setting is negligent at best.
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7280674/
[2] https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/children-should-not-be-forced-to-wear-masks-due-to-co2-levels-new-study-suggests/ar-AALFKTk
[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7680614/
[4] https://www.heritage.org/government-regulation/report/statistical-analysis-mandates-and-mask-usage-kansas
[5] https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2781743
[6] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20092668/
[7] https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-124394/v1
This audio is used by Central Valley School District in Washington State to threaten, bully an and isolate parents who refuse to send their child to school without educational safeguards. Despite an agreement in mediation to stop these calls, we receive them daily.
Central Valley School District
A history of discrimination and abuse
Are children with Down syndrome and other DD's being opted out of state testing without parental knowledge or consent? What happens to the standard in the classroom when the state standard no longer applies? Do children with Down syndrome and other cognitive disabilities have equal access to education?
Have you wondered why your child has no education even though they have an IEP and data that shows progress? Has your child been opted out of state testing without your knowledge or consent (check your IEP)? Was your child neglected or abused?
Don't remain silent anymore! Help expose educational fraud and discrimination in Washington State by telling your story.
Files coming soon.
Under the First Amendment of the United States, parents reserve the right to express their opinion of public employees. Until convicted in a court of law, allegations of misconduct within the CVSD special education department are "alleged".
Photos taken from public website https://www.cvsd.org/apps/staff/